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Senin, 02 Maret 2009

central London hotel

London! What do you know about this city? As far as I know London is the capital of England and Great Britain. The city, which was built by Roman people, has more than 7, 4 million people in London and millions of people in metropolitan areas. As one of the most developed and biggest cities, London develops well and rapidly in the field of financial, Communication, art and tourism. They also have many great and historical building, castle, museum and many more. It has been known well that London becomes one of the world’s tourist visits. This city has many famous, attractive, favorite tourism places in the world, such as Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, Big Ben, St. James Park and many others. If you are travelling to this city, you shouldn’t be worried about the accommodation because London has a lot of hotels for the visitors. It depends on you where you want to stay and which hotels fit you. But if you want to stay in a hotel that is near from main places in London, such as shopping areas, attraction and theaters, you should choose or stay in St Giles hotel London.

Besides located near the places above, St Giles London is also closed to one of the most famous streets in London, Oxford Street which is famous for the great shops, restaurants and entertainment places. This hotel is completed by many good facilities, such as; health club, swimming pool and many others. St Giles hotel London also offers cheap prices and the cheap prices become more exclusive because the hotel stands in the central London.

5 komentar:

  1. dalam mimpipun lom pernah ingin ngelihat london. soalnya disana bebas dari yang namanya BMI kriminalitas.

  2. wew..lah prakteknya di london yak ekekekkee

  3. Wah jadi inget lagunya changcuter kukesana heheheh

  4. Contennya LookJ bahasa Indonesia atau english nich...? atau memang karena membicarakan london. Jujur Sicaul Gak bisa bahasa inggris jd butuh keterangan he he he

  5. London
    jadi ingat lagunya Cangcuters


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